Four Things Every Principal Should Know about English Language Learners
Four Things Every Teacher Should Know about English Language Learners
(Quick-reads for busy educators)
"Four Things Every Teacher Should Know about English Language Learners, as well as its companion book, Four Things Every Principal Should Know About English Language Learners, are important and powerful books. Together, the suggestions offered in these books can help teachers and administrators achieve a common understanding on how best to foster a school-wide program that will help to bridge the achievement gap among ELLs and achieve success for all."
Rose Cappelli
President- elect, Keystone State Reading Association
Co-author of the books, Mentor Texts, Nonfiction Mentor Texts, and Poetry Mentor Texts.
apologies, These books are currently unavailable.
These brief texts contain essential information for understanding the needs of English language learners, with recommendations of resources for going deeper. Designed for personal growth, administrative and teacher professional development, and for principal preparation programs with interactive online resources for supporting PLCs, Professional Development, and Course Adoptions. These powerful and important guides address essential components for improving academic outcomes for English language learners.
Regarding the Principal Text:
"This book is a solid resource in supporting administrators to feel prepared to handle ELLs in their building."
MidTesol Book Review, Jan McLellan
"This book is rich with ideas, insights, and strategies. Thanks to the Himmeles for their ideas and energy!"
Thomas R. Hoerr, Ph.D.
Author of Becoming a Multiple Intelligences School, The Art of School Leadership, School Leadership for the Future, Fostering Grit,
and “The Principal Connection” column in Educational Leadership.
“This resource is a perfect, quick and easy desk reference for all principals (and central administrators). Often starting the conversation about ELL instructional planning is challenging for principals and staff. Intentions are admirable; outcomes are less than effective because knowledge about ELL needs is lacking.
The responsibility for ELL program quality belongs to everyone in a school, with the ELL teacher, classroom teachers, and principal acting as supportive participants. The tools shared in this book are ideal for team meetings, so that the focus remains on what ELLs need.”
Dr. Nancy A. Aronson
Retired Elementary Principal & Education Consultant
“While the book is geared toward school principals, I found the content very applicable in my role as district administrator. The tips and strategies presented in the book can be scaled to any size school or district. This mini book not only provides essential information that assists principals in understanding their ELL program but also provides high leverage instructional strategies to support a successful program.”
Brett F. Stark
Director of Curriculum, Frederick County Public Schools, MD
“As a faculty member preparing future principals, I look forward to utilizing the mini book “Four Things Every Principal Should Know about English Language Learners” by Drs. Persida & William Himmele. Many of my students teach in districts where there are limited opportunities to interact with ELL students, and this exposure for them is vital as future school leaders. Besides being a quick and easy read for teachers learning the world of school administration, I fully believe it provides current administrators with the practical knowledge they need to work with teachers to understand the strengths and needs of English language learners.”
Dr. Tiffany Wright
Co-Director, Doctorate in Educational Leadership, Millersville University
Regarding the Teacher Text:
“What an amazing affirmation of the power of teacher expertise! Every teacher (novice or experienced) will benefit from this straightforward presentation of essential information, strategies, and tools that pertain to high quality instruction for ELLs. ...This is an important book!”
Dr. Nancy Aronson
Retired Elementary Principal & Education Consultant
“The Himmeles really nailed it. I found myself nodding in agreement often throughout the book. They managed to hit on the critical issues of teaching ELLs, while also inspiring teachers that they can indeed help our ELLs achieve more than one year's growth. Very encouraging! This is a must read for all teachers.”
Dr. Carmen Rowe
Former ELL District Administrator & Education Consultant, Lancaster, PA
"As a teacher that experienced the implementation of the CHATS framework at my school, I saw teacher instruction and student achievement benefit from the focus placed on content reading supports, higher order thinking, assessment, total participation techniques, and scaffolding. The CHATS framework is a driving force behind effective teacher planning and delivery of instruction for ALL students!"
Keely Potter
NBCT, Director of Teacher Effectiveness, Tennessee Department of Education
“Four Things Every Teacher Should Know about English Language Learners not only highlights the challenges of educating students from other countries, but also provides insight into methods that would improve literacy for native speakers as well… The Himmeles’ book reminds us of the power of education and the importance of authentic connections. A must-read for all educators!”
Michelle Trasborg
K-12 Communications and ESL Supervisor, Conestoga Valley School District, PA